Grocery Shopping

I think I’ve figured out how to shop for groceries for three meals a day, seven days a week, two weeks at a time:

  1. Reserve your pick up time six days in advance. To find a good time slot, it helps to wake up at 3 am for no explicable reason and order in the middle of the night.
  2. Warn your family that they need to think ahead and tell you what they want.
  3. Order twice as much as you think you’ll need.
  4. Pray that the store has or is able to substitute most of what you’ve requested.
  5. When you get the food home, spend two hours figuring out where to put it all.
  6. Two days later, listen to your kids complain that there’s nothing to eat.
  7. Run out of sandwich bread three days early. Make bread in the bread machine.
  8. Put a sign on the last two eggs that you need for dinner the night before you pick up your next batch of groceries.
  9. Barely squeeze by on milk, produce, and everything else perishable.
  10. Repeat.